Don’t suffer from Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) in silence! Anti-social behaviour is recognised as any aggressive, intimidating or destructive activity that damages or destroys another person’s quality of life. It can include persistent noise, verbal abuse, threatening behaviour and graffiti. During office hours, you can report anti-social behaviour to a dedicated team at Cheshire East Council on 0300 123 5030 who will provide expert guidance and advice on tackling ASB and look into the query or report.
- If the ASB has left you feeling threatened, intimidated, harassed or caused damage to you or your property contact Cheshire Police on 101
- TO REPORT NOISE NUISANCE- including domestic, industrial/ commercial, burglar alarms, fireworks, construction and development work, contact Environmental Heath- 0300 123 5015
- TO REPORT FLY-TIPPING, LITTERING, DOG FOULING and ABANDONED VEHICLES- contact the Cheshire East Wardens on 0300 123 5021. Remember not to drop litter yourself as it could result in an £80 fine from the enforcement team.