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Congleton Town Plan

Congleton Town Plan was published in March 2008. Many of the ideas in the plan are still relevant and so we have decided to keep this page on the Web Site. Elements of the plan is referred to in the developing Congleton Neighbourhood Plan.

The Town Plan can be downloaded here: Town Centre Plan March 2008

At the time of writing the plan, it was anticipated that the Town Centre Plan (TCP) would be taken forward by Congleton Borough Council as a statutory Area Action Plan (AAP) and it did not go into detail on delivery and policy issues. As a consequence of Local Government re-organisation, Cheshire East Council became the principal local authority and the document was not progressed as an AAP

Delivery Strategy was prepared to set out a programme for the delivery of the adopted Congleton Town Centre Plan. The Delivery Strategy explains the key stages and mechanisms involved in taking the TCP forward and provides an indicative timetable, incorporating short, medium and long term milestones in the TCP delivery.