The Town Council is proud of its fine collection of civic artefacts, charters and documents known as the Town Treasures.
Town Mace
Silver gilt, made in 1651, the mace has an intriguing historical connection with the execution of King Charles 1. It is reputed to have been used as a model for the House of Commons mace and is still carried in front of the Mayor on ceremonial occasions by the Mace Bearer. An inscription around the head of the mace, originally said: “The Freedome of England by God’ Blessing Restored.” But, in 1660 King Charles II regained the throne and the inscription was considered subversive. The town accounts of 1661 refer to a sum of £3 being “payd to ye goldsmyth for altering ye Mace.” The date was changed, somewhat clumsily, from 1651 to 1661 and the phrase “to C.R” (Charles Rex) added to the inscription. These alterations can be clearly seen today.
Mayors & Mayoress’ Chain
The Mayoral Chain comprises five gold and enamel shields, 19 gold shields, eight gold open-work links, one gold medallion and one pendant with diamond.
The Mayoress’ Chain comprises a crown, one large and three small diamonds and is a replica of James I seal.
The Chrome Ship’ Bell
From the submarine Conqueror which was adopted by the town. She took part in the Faulklands conflict of 1982 and has since been decommissioned.
Other Documents and Information
Other documents preserved in the Town Hall include the ‘Boundary Roll’ stating the boundaries as determined by courts held in 1593, 1662 and 1673. The latest document acquired by the town is the official grant of ‘Arms and Supporters’ to the borough of Congleton obtained on September 5 1967.
The Treasures are available for viewing by contacting the Chief Officer, Town Hall, High Street, Congleton CW12 1BN tel: 01260 270350.
Further town treasures such as the Hand Bell dated 1732 and recast in 1859, Congleton Brank or Scolds Bridle and Congleton Charters including the first granted in 1272 are housed by Congleton Museum.