Late 2019, Congleton Town Council declared a climate emergency. In response, members of Congleton Sustainability Group (CSG), part of Congleton Partnership, put forward the ambitious idea of planting 30,000 trees over 5 years. A Tree Group was formed made up of experienced volunteers.
Sites, mostly on Cheshire East land, were identified and plans drawn up and approved with the council. The group, with the help of volunteers, has planted more than 3,000 trees, plus hedges and shrubs on approx. 20 sites, despite COVID-19 restrictions in 2020-21. Many individuals have also planted trees in their own gardens.
This Winter, the group are busy carrying out essential maintenance tasks on the planted sites (hedge planting, weeding, mulching). Volunteers are always welcome, please come along to help if you can. For details of the events see Trees for Congleton’s website.
To get involved see the Facebook page – ‘Trees for Congleton’ or email: