Council meetings are formal events held at the Town Hall, High Street, Congleton that all Councillors are expected to attend. They usually start at 7pm. The elected Mayor is chair of the Council during year their of office.
The meetings are open to the public except where sensitive issues are discussed (such as legal, contractual or staffing matters). Congleton Town Council chooses to have a committee system whereby a smaller group of Councillors, usually 10 concentrate on specific functions and either make recommendations to full council or have delegated powers to make their own decisions. By clicking onto the meeting you are interested in from the list below, you will be able to view agendas and minutes, a list of members for each committee and its main areas of responsibility.
The committees items align to the strategic objectives outlined in the Town Council’s Business Plan 2020-2023
There will be 15 minutes available at each meeting to receive questions from Members of the Public. Questions need to be received in writing or by email 7 days prior to the meeting. Questions may not be answered in the meeting if:
a) the person who submitted the question, or their representative, does not attend the meeting to ask the question (in which case the question will be treated as correspondence and a written response sent to the person)
b) the question is not about a matter that the committee has responsibility for or is not a matter that affects the town
c) is defamatory, frivolous or offensive
d) Council reserves the right to reply in writing if the question is substantially the same as a question submitted in the past six months
e) requires the disclosure of confidential information
f) breaks any procedure rule
NOTE: Questions can be sent to the Council at any time and if relevant to the Council’s business will be responded to either by officers or via the relevant committee.
View all Agendas and Minutes by clicking below
- Council Meetings
- Finance and Policy Committee
- Planning Committee
- Environment Committee
- Community Committee
- Personnel Committee
- Annual Town Meeting
- Town Hall, Assets & Services Committee
- Ex-Community & Environment Committee
- Youth Committee
- Archives
Annual Town Meeting
The Annual Town Meeting convened under the provision of the Local Government Act 1972 SEC (1) and 13 (1). It is a great chance for local people to get together and raise questions about issues affecting the town. It is not a council meeting and councillors have the same rights as attending members of the public. Issues raised in the Annual Meeting will be picked up by the council or forwarded to the appropriate organisation for consideration. Click the link below to see agendas and meeting minutes.