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Community Committee – 26th October 2023


Location: Congleton Town Hall

Contact: Jackie MacArthur – Communities and Marketing Manager and Deputy Chief Officer

 Tel: 01260 270350 Email: info@congleton-tc.gov.uk

The following members sit on the Community Committee:

Ex Officio Members: Councillor Rob Moreton (Town Mayor) and Councillor Kay Wesley (Deputy Mayor)

Printable Agenda and Reports Pack 1152KB


1. Apologies for Absence

Members are reminded of the necessity to give apologies in advance of the meeting and to give reasons for absence.

2. Minutes of Previous Meetings (enclosed)

To approve and sign the minutes of the Community Committee held on the 3 August 2023 as a correct record.

3. Declarations of Interest

Members are requested to declare both “pecuniary” and “non-pecuniary” interests as early in the meeting as they become known.

4. Questions from Members of the Public

There will be 15 minutes at each meeting to receive any questions from Members of the
Public, either verbally at the meeting, including those which have been received in writing
7 days prior to the meeting.

5. Urgent Items

Members may raise urgent items related to this Committee, but no discussion or decisions
May be taken at the meeting.

6. Cheshire Police (enclosed)

To receive and consider a report from Cheshire Police on Policing matters affecting Congleton.

7. Cherubs (CHEshire Really Useful Breastfeeding Support) (enclosed)

To receive a short presentation on how Congleton Town Council can support the work of this group and a request for non-financial support.

8. Updates from Previous Community and Environment Committee (enclosed)

To receive updates from the Community Committee held on the 3 August and note of outstanding items.

9. Community Safety Working Group (enclosed)

To receive the notes from the Community Safety Working Group held on the 12 October 2023 and receive a short update from the Chair.

10. Health and Wellbeing Working Group (enclosed)

To receive the notes of the Health and Wellbeing Working Group meetings held on the 10 August and 10 October 2023 and receive a short report from the Chair.

11. Congleton War Memorial Hospital (enclosed)

To discuss a paper from the Health and Wellbeing Group on potential actions to support Congleton War Memorial Hospital.

12. Disability Positive Congleton (enclosed)

To discuss a paper from the Health and Wellbeing Group on projects on disability-positive Congleton.

13. Integrated Transport Working Group (enclosed)

To receive the notes of the Integrated Transport Working Group held on 31st August 2023 and receive a short report from the Chair

14. White Ribbon Working Group (enclosed)

To receive the notes of the White Ribbon Ambassadors group on the 3 August 2023 and 19 September 2023 and receive a short update from the Chair on the plans for White Ribbon’s 16 days of Action.

15. Communications Update (enclosed)

To receive and note a report highlighting the Town Council’s Communications Activities for April – July.

16. Totally Locally Congleton Update (enclosed)

To receive and note a report on aspirations for Totally Locally Congleton.

17. Change of Date for the next Community Committee (enclosed)

To consider a request to change the date of the next Community Committee