Time: 7.00pm
Location: Congleton Town Hall
Contact: Jackie MacArthur – Communities and Marketing Manager and Deputy Chief Officer
Tel: 01260 270350 Email: info@congleton-tc.gov.uk
The following members sit on the Community Committee:
- Councillor Richard Walton (Chair)
- Councillor Glen Williams (Vice Chair)
- Councillor Dawn Allen
- Councillor Dave Brown
- Councillor Mark Edwardson
- Councillor Suzy Firkin
- Councillor Emma Hall
- Councillor Sally Ann Holland
- Councillor Susan Mead
- Councillor Shaun Radcliffe
Ex Officio Members: Councillor Kay Wesley (Town Mayor) and Councillor Robert Brittain (Deputy Mayor)
Printable Agenda & Reports Pack Community 990KB
1. Apologies for Absence
Members are reminded of the necessity to give apologies in advance of the meeting and to give reasons for absence.
2. Minutes of Previous Meetings (enclosed)
To approve and sign the minutes of the Community Committee held on 27 June 2024 as a correct record.
3. Declarations of Interest
Members are requested to declare both “pecuniary” and “non-pecuniary” interests as early in the meeting as they become known.
4. Questions from Members of the Public
There will be 15 minutes at each meeting to receive any questions from Members of the Public, either verbally at the meeting, including those which have been received in writing 7 days before the meeting.
• Question from Congleton Sustainable Travel about a potential Right of Way from the Bus Station to the Library
5. Urgent Items
Members may raise urgent items related to this Committee, but no discussion or decisions may be taken at the meeting.
6. Cheshire Police (verbal)
To receive and consider a verbal report from Cheshire Police on Policing matters affecting Congleton.
7. Updates from Previous Community Committee (enclosed)
To receive updates from the Community Committee held on the 27 June and note of outstanding items.
8. Equal Access Action Plan and Updates (enclosed)
To receive a presentation from Deborah Lawson, Chair of the Equal Access Advisory Group and discuss and approve a report on the next actions.
9. Health and Wellbeing Working Group (enclosed)
To receive the notes of the Health and Wellbeing Working Group meetings held on 11 July 2024 and receive a short report from the Chair.
10. Community Safety Working Group (enclosed)
To receive the notes of the Community Safety Working Group meetings held on 11 July 2024 and receive a short report from the Chair.
11. White Ribbon Working Group (enclosed)
To receive the notes of the White Ribbon Working Group meetings held on 28 May 2024 and receive a short report from the Chair.
12. CEC Library Consultation (enclosed)
To consider and agree on a response to the Cheshire East Council Library Strategy Consultation – closing date 15 September.
13. Civic Awards (enclosed)
To consider and approve a report on the introduction of Civic Awards for Congleton.
14. Town Crier (enclosed)
To comment on an update on recruiting a Town Crier.
15. Communications Update (enclosed)
To receive and note a report from the Town Council’s Communications and Marketing Officer, Debbie Coxon, highlighting the Town Council’s Communications activities for June – August 2024.
16. Speed Indication Devices (enclosed)
To consider recommendations for the Town Council’s Business Plan with regard to Speed Indication Devices (SID).
17. Mayor’s Hospitality and Retail Service Awards (enclosed)
To approve a scheme to introduce long-term service awards for the town’s retail and hospitality businesses.
18. Resolution to Exclude the Public and Press from Item 19
To consider passing a resolution in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to
Meetings) Act 1960, that the public and press be excluded from the meeting due to commercial sensitivities.
19. Congleton Community Projects (to follow)
To consider amendments to the Congleton Community Projects Service Level Agreement and consider a response.