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Community & Environment Committee – 22nd September 2022

Location: Congleton Town Hall

Contact: Jackie MacArthur – Communities and Marketing Manager and Deputy Chief Officer 

Tel: 01260 270350 Email: info@congleton-tc.gov.uk

The following members sit on this committee:

Ex-Officio Members: Councillor Margaret Gartside (Town Mayor), Councillor Rob Moreton (Deputy Mayor)


Printable Agenda and Reports Pack PDF 2106KB




1. Apologies for Absence

Members are reminded of the necessity to give apologies in advance of the meeting and to give reasons for absence.

2. Minutes of Previous Meetings (Enclosed)

To approve and sign the minutes of the Community and Environment Committee held on 28th July 2022 as a correct record.

3. Declarations of Interest

Members are requested to declare both “pecuniary” and “non-pecuniary” interests as early in the meeting as they become known.

4. Outstanding Actions

These are dealt with in Agenda item 8.

5. Questions from Members of the Public

There will be 15 minutes at each meeting to receive any questions from Members of the Public, either verbally at the meeting, including those which have been received in writing 7 days prior to the meeting.

6. Urgent Items

Members may raise urgent items related to this Committee, but no discussion or decisions may be taken at the meeting.

7. Cheshire Police (Verbal Update)

To receive and consider a verbal report from Cheshire Police on Policing matters affecting Congleton.

8. Updates from Previous Community and Environment Committee (Enclosed)

To receive updates from the Community and Environment Committee held on 28th July 2022.

9. Anti-Social Behaviour Working Group (Enclosed)

To receive the notes of the Anti-Social Behaviour Working Group held on 8th September 2022

10. Community Safety Charter Pledge (Enclosed)

To discuss an action from the Anti-Social Behaviour Working Group recommending that Congleton Town Council take the pledge and signs up to the Community Safety Charter.

11. Congleton in Bloom Working Group (Verbal Update)

To receive an update from the Congleton in Bloom Working Group on this year’s National competition and details about result days.

12. Congleton Green Working Group (Enclosed)

To receive the notes of the Congleton Green Working Group held on 4th August 2022 and to receive a short report from the Chair.

13. Congleton Green Fayre and Big Green Week Activities (Enclosed)

To receive a report from the Congleton Partnership Officer about the Green Fayre and Activities planned for the Big Green Week.

14. 750 Year Celebration Working Group (Enclosed)

To receive the notes of the 750 Year Celebration Working Group held on 4th August and 1st September 2022.

15. Cost of Living Crisis (Enclosed)

To discuss the role that Congleton Town Council can take in helping the town during the Cost of Living Crisis and to receive the initial response to a Cost of Living Impact Survey.

16. Support for Ukrainian Hosts in Congleton (Enclosed)

To consider a request for Congleton Town Hall to host a meeting and workshop for local hosts who are supporting Ukrainian guests staying in Congleton.

17. Support for Ukrainian Christmas Event in Congleton (Enclosed)

To consider a request for Congleton Town Council to work with the Congleton Area Ukraine Support Network (CAUSN), to host a Ukrainian Christmas event in January.

18. Christmas in Congleton 2022 (Enclosed)

To receive a report from the Town Centre and Events Officer on the activities planned for Christmas 2022.