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Council Meeting – 10th August 2023

Time: 7.00pm

Location: Congleton Town Hall

Contact: David McGifford – Chief Officer Tel: 01260 270350 Email: info@congleton-tc.gov.uk

All members sit on the Council

Printable Agenda and Reports Pack (52 pages)


1. Apologies for absence
Members are respectfully reminded of the necessity to submit any apologies for absence in advance and to give a reason for non-attendance.

2. Minutes of Previous Meetings (Enclosed)

To approve and sign the minutes of the Council meetings held on the 15th and 29th June 2023.

3. Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interest
Members are requested to declare both “non-pecuniary” and “pecuniary” interests’ as early in the meeting as they become aware of it.

4. Questions from Members of the Public

There will be 15 minutes at each meeting to receive any questions from Members of the
Public, either verbally at the meeting including those which have been received in writing
7 days prior to the meeting.

5. Urgent Items

Members may raise urgent items related to Council Business, but no discussion or decisions may be taken at the meeting.

6. Town Mayor’s Announcements and Engagements (Enclosed)

To receive any announcements by the Town Mayor and to receive a list of the Mayor’s engagements.

7. Outstanding Actions

To review any outstanding actions from previous meetings and to provide an update on any work in progress.

8. Community Committee (Enclosed)

To receive the minutes of the Community Committee meeting held on 29th June 2023

9. Planning Committee (Enclosed)

To receive the minutes of the Planning Committee meetings held on the 22nd June 2023.

10. Vale Allotments grant application (Enclosed)

To consider a grant application from the Vale Allotment Association

11. Cheshire East Councillors’ Reports

To suspend Standing Orders to allow Councillors from the principal authority to report on matters relating to or impacting on Congleton.

12. Policy Reviews (Enclosed)

To approve the updated ICT Policy and Grants Criteria Policy and adopt into the constitution as recommended by the Finance and Policy Committee at its meeting on the 20th July 2023

13. Use of Ukraine Earmarked Reserve (Enclosed)

To approve the use of the balance of funds held in the Ukraine Earmark Reserve

14. Councillor Attendance Records (Enclosed)

To consider the publication of councillor attendance at Council and committee meetings on the councils website

15. Remote access to meetings (Enclosed)

To approve the use of technology for remote access to committee and council meetings

16. Reassignment of Lease for Congleton Town FC Ground (Enclosed)

To approve the proposal to open discussions with Cheshire East Council with regards to the re assignment of the lease for Congleton Town Football Club

17. Congleton Library (Enclosed)

To receive the feedback from Cheshire East Councils consultation on reduced opening hours for Congleton Library and agree the Town Councils position.

18. Christmas lights replacements (Enclosed)

To approve the funding for replacement Christmas lights

19. Resolution to Exclude the Public and Press

To consider passing a resolution in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to
Meetings) Act 1960, that public and press be excluded from the meeting due to private staffing matters and commercial sensitivities .

20. Congleton Market Quarter (to follow)

To approve a proposal for creating a formal working arrangement with Congleton Market Quarter

21. Drug and Alcohol Policy (to follow )

To approve the proposed Drug and Alcohol Policy

To: All Members of the Council
CC: Burgesses (3), Congleton Information Centre,
Congleton Library, MP