Time: 7.00pm
Location: Congleton Town Hall
Contact: Serena Van Schepdael – Finance Manager/Responsible Financial Officer
Tel: 01260 270350 Email: info@congleton-tc.gov.uk
The following members sit on this committee:
- Councillor Robert Douglas (Chair)
- Councillor Charles Booth (Vice Chair)
- Councillor Suzie Akers Smith
- Councillor Dawn Allen
- Councillor Russell Chadwick
- Councillor Mark Edwardson
- Councillor Arabella Holland
- Councillor Heather Pearce
- Councillor Rob Moreton
- Councillor Liz Wardlaw
Ex-Officio members: Councillor Kay Wesley (Town Mayor) Councillor Robert Brittain (Deputy Mayor)
Printable Agenda & Reports Pack 13112KB
1. Apologies for absence
Members are respectfully reminded of the necessity to submit any apology for absence in advance and to give a reason for non-attendance.
2. Minutes of Previous Meetings
To approve and sign the minutes of the Finance and Policy Committee held on 14th January 2025.
3. Declarations of Interest
Members are requested to declare both “pecuniary” and “non-pecuniary” interests as early in the meeting as they become known.
4. Outstanding Actions (Enclosed)
To receive an updated Action log summary.
5. Questions from Members of the Public
There will be 15 minutes at each meeting to receive any questions from Members of the Public, either verbally at the meeting including those which have been received in writing 7 days prior to the meeting.
6. Presentations to the Committee
There are none.
7. Urgent Items
Members may raise urgent items related to this committee, but no discussion or decisions
may be taken at the meeting.
8. Minutes of Working Groups
There are none.
9. Committee Items Relating to Working Groups
There are none.
10. Grant Approvals and Commitments (Enclosed)
To receive a statement showing the current position as at 31st December 2024.
11. New Applications for Financial Assistance (Enclosed)
To approve grant applications:
11.1 – Congleton Amateur Swimming Club – GR13/2425
12. New Grant Activities Monitoring Forms (Enclosed)
To receive a Grant Monitoring Form:
12.1 – Congleton and District Horticultural Society – GR04/2425
12.2 – Mossley Old School Trust – GR06/2425
13. Management Accounts including Budget Update (Enclosed)
To receive the management accounts to 30th December 2024.
14. Bank Reconciliations (Enclosed)
To receive and consider the bank reconciliations as at 30th January 2025.
15. Savings Account Balances (Enclosed)
To receive the Savings Account balances as at 31st January 2025.
16. List of Payments (Enclosed)
To receive and approve the List of payments from 1st August to 31st January 2025.
17. CIL Report (Enclosed)
To receive the latest Community Infrastructure Levy report.
18. Business Risk Assessment (Enclosed)
To approve the updated Business Risk Assessment and recommend this to Council for approval and adoption into the Constitution at the Annual Town Meeting.
19. Policy Updates (Enclosed)
19.1– Mayors Allowance Policy
20. Approval of Outside Bodies Support
To approve the list of external support and recommend this to Council for approval at the Annual Town Meeting.