Time: 7.00pm
Location: Congleton Town Hall
Contact: Serena Van Schepdael – Finance Manager/Responsible Financial Officer
Tel: 01260 270350 Email: info@congleton-tc.gov.uk
The following members sit on this committee:
- Councillor Robert Douglas (Chair)
- Councillor Charles Booth (Vice Chair)
- Councillor Suzie Akers Smith
- Councillor Robert Brittain
- Councillor Mark Edwardson
- Councillor Emma Hall
- Councillor Arabella Holland
- Councillor Heather Pearce
- Councillor Liz Wardlaw
- Councillor Richard Walton
Ex-Officio members: Councillor Rob Moreton (Town Mayor) Councillor Kay Wesley (Deputy Mayor)
Printable Agenda and Reports Pack 24546kb
1. Apologies for absence
Members are respectfully reminded of the necessity to submit any apology for absence in advance and to give a reason for non-attendance.
2. Minutes of Previous Meetings
To approve and sign the minutes of the Finance and Policy Committee help on 20th July 2023
3. Declarations of Interest
Members are requested to declare both “pecuniary” and “non-pecuniary” interests as early in the meeting as they become known.
4. Outstanding Actions (Enclosed)
To review any outstanding actions from previous meetings.
5. Questions from Members of the Public
There will be 15 minutes at each meeting to receive any questions from Members of the
Public, either verbally at the meeting including those which have been received in writing
7 days prior to the meeting.
6. Urgent Items
Members may raise urgent items related to this committee, but no discussion or decisions
may be taken at the meeting.
7. Grant Approvals and Commitments (Enclosed)
To receive a statement showing the current position as at 31st August 2023.
8. New Applications for Financial Assistance (Enclosed)
8.1- Aura CIO- GR09/2324
8.2- The Old Saw Mill- GR13/2324
8.3- Friends For Leisure- GR15/2324
8.4- Beartown Patchwork & Quilters- GR16/2324
9. New Grant Activities Monitoring Forms (Enclosed)
To receive the New Grant Activities Monitoring Forms from:
9.1- Congleton Partnership GR01/2223
9.2- The Green Tree House- GR17/2223
9.3-The Old Saw Mill- GR12/2223
9.4- Sol Theatre School – GR04/2324
9.5- Friends for Leisure – GR14/2122
10. Management Accounts (Enclosed)
To receive the management accounts to 31st August 2023.
11. Bank Reconciliation (Enclosed)
To receive and consider the bank reconciliation as at 31st August 2023.
12. Savings Account Balances (Enclosed)
To receive the Savings Account balances as at 31st August 2023.
13. List of Payments (Enclosed)
To receive and approve the Payments List from 1st June 2023 to 31st August 2023.
14. Supplier Payment (Enclosed)
To approve payment of invoice from Cheshire East Council for CCTV Charges for 2023-2024, total due £11,456.69 (£9,547.42 to budget line 303-4164 CCTV, plus £1,909.45 VAT) which is year 3 of a 3 year agreement.
15. Investment Policy and Strategy Review (Enclosed)
To approve the updated Investment Policy and Investment Strategy and to recommend these to Council for approval and adoption into the Constitution.
16. Annual Governance & Accountability Report: Conclusion of Audit 2022-2023 (Enclosed)
To receive the Notice of Conclusion of Audit for year ending 31st March 2023
17. Internal Audit Report:2023-2024 (Enclosed)
To receive the First Interim Internal Audit Report for 2023-2024.
18. Direct Debit and BACS (Enclosed)
To note the Direct Debit list, to approve that Direct Debit and BACS payments continue for relevant suppliers, and recommend to Council for approval.
19. Rotary Bonfire (Enclosed)
To approve to underwrite the Rotary Bonfire event up to £5,000 and recommend this to Council for approval on 12th October 2023.