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Congleton Green Working Group

The group is working on a priority list for reducing the carbon and environmental footprint of Congleton Town Council activities. The priority is to reduce the carbon footprint as far as possible and then to consider off-setting projects that would benefit the local community to cover the carbon which cannot be helped. In addition the group is aiming to increase biodiversity, reduce waste and improve sustainability across all areas of Congleton Town Council.

The group has also created an E-learning course to help residents find out more about how they can reduce their own carbon footprint.

The following members sit on this Working Group :

Invited guests and volunteers included at meetings.

Purpose: Congleton Town Council declared a Climate Emergency in 2019 and set up the Congleton Green Working Group to lead initiatives that will drive the council’s goal to reduce its carbon footprint to net zero by 2025 and work towards creating a sustainable and carbon neutral town.


  • Reduce the carbon footprint for the Town Council’s assets and Streetscape service
  • Through partnership working and engagement with the adjoining parishes plant and maintain 30,000 new trees by 2024
  • Review existing facilities for recycling and develop new where necessary
  • Develop and deliver a campaign(s) promoting the need and facilities for recycling
  • Create awareness of training opportunities
  • Maximise opportunities for the retention and enhancement of Green Open Spaces
  • Support the development and delivery of the Congleton Sustainability Group’s initiatives
  • To improve the air quality in Congleton

Terms of Reference:


  • Met with representative from Cheshire East Council to achieve understanding and alignment
  • Initial calculation of the carbon footprint for CTC
  • Created an e-Green Learning for Congleton
  • Support of the Congleton tree-planting initiative
  • Considerations of a Nature Emergency and plans for greater Biodiversity in Congleton
  • Helped to organise a Green Fayre and Climate Festival annually
  • Created green action plans for streetscape with target dates
  • Signed up to peat free compost
  • Creation of a free community reuse and swap daily stall in the Park
  • Reduction in vehicles

Partners: This group collaborates with the following:

More information:

  • Green Council – explaining what the Town Council is doing in more detail
  • Green Living – tips and resources for residents of Congleton
  • Green Business – information for organisations in Congleton who want to reduce their carbon footprint and environmental impact


How you can help: Do you work with an environmental group that might have a contribution to make?  Do you have knowledge or ideas about the climate emergency or sustainability?  Please get in touch to send us your ideas or volunteer to help, email us info@congleton-tc.gov.uk.

Latest Update: 03/05/2024
